Sibeko motivates young stars
Sibeko motivates young stars

Posted in News on Sep 27, 2006.

Gerald Sibeko speaking to a group of players from Soweto Football club FC Young Stars, at the Comutanet offices in Sunninghill in Johannesburg on Tuesday afternoon urged the youngsters to work hard at fulfilling their dreams of becoming professional footballers.

Sibeko was at the Comutanet offices, which is a subsidiary of Prime Media who are stake holders in The Amakhosi, along with team mates Lucky Mzizi and Serge Djiehoua.

The trio were invited by Comutanet to be part of their Primecare corporate social investment programme, where by they sponsor the FC Young Stars team in Soweto the Chiefs players handed over a set of kit sponsored by Comutanet to the Young Stars players. In addressing the team Sibeko also urged them to stay in school and complete their high school education, even when they turn professional they should continue with further studies.

Sibeko’s speech was well received by the team who afforded him a standing ovation on the completion of his short talk, which Gerald hoped would motivate the players to give their best when working towards their ultimate goal of becoming pro footballers.

Speaking to afterwards Sibeko said “speaking to young players always reminds me of when I was a junior player. We had various speakers coming to give us talks over time and the only ones we listened to were footballers, so I tried to get a message across to the that along with football one needs education as well, and also to work hard and that the only way to get ahead in life is by playing fair”.

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