Mathebula a true Ambassador
Mathebula a true Ambassador

Posted in News on Apr 16, 2007.

David Mathebula spent Saturday afternoon handing out Mangoes, Paw paws, Bananas and a host of other fresh produce to visitors who passed through the Limpopo Province Stand at the Rand Easter Show.

Not the way one would imagine a soccer player to be spending some rare time off, Mathebula who is a native of the Limpopo province and one of its most famous sons was only happy to oblige and help build the image of his beloved province. The Chiefs midfielder was at the show on the invitation of the Limpopo Provincial Government and while his teammates were busy at the nearby Vodacom Stand in hall number 5, Mathebula was flying the Chiefs flag at the Limpopo stand.

Mathebula had no qualms about handing out fruit and other riches of the land which the Limpopo Province had to offer and in getting his hands dirty, the Amakhosi player won a number of admirers.

“I love my country and coming from Limpopo, I will always have an added attraction to that part of the country” said Mathebula. By coming out to the rand show and drumming up the course for his province, he feels that he will have to convince people to visit the Limpopo Province and share in its cultural and natural beauty.

Mathebula explained further “The Limpopo Province has a lot to offer and I want people to be made aware of just what lies with in my beautiful province, I want as many visitors to share in the splendour and beauty of the Limpopo Province”.

A spokes person for the Limpopo Provincial government stand at the Rand Show said of Mathebula’s appearance at the stand, “We asked David to come and join us at the show because we felt that as a native of the Limpopo Province, he has done us proud by what he has achieved at Chiefs. In addition David is a humble, honest and hard working person with a bubbly personality all of which are traits of a true Limpopo champion”.

With a smile always etched on his face and never one to involve himself in any controversy, who could ask for a better person to be an ambassador for your province then David Mathebula. While many might not have revelled in handing out fruit baskets to visitors, David Mathebula did it with a smile because the farm workers who till the lands in farms across the Limpopo Province are amongst his number one supporters so David was just doing his bit to give back to the province which allowed his star to shine as brightly as it has.

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