I need to be strong - Musona
I need to be strong - Musona

Posted in News on Sep 15, 2010.

Amakhosi striker Knowledge Musona has revealed to kaizerchiefs.com that he is aware that his current good form in front of goal which has seen him score three goals in his last three competitive matches for club and country will mean that opposing teams will pay more attention to him.

“Things are going to get tougher. All eyes are on me as I have been fortunate enough to have scored a few goals, I need to continue to play well even though the opposition are going to come hard at me.

The coach and my teammates entrust me to do a job and I need to be strong mentally and physically for the good of the team,” explained the Zimbabwean international.

Knowledge has further divulged that he is aware of the pressure and expectations that come with the territory of playing for Chiefs and has found ways to deal with this.

“When I go home from the training ground I do not read the newspapers or listen to what is being said about the team. I unwind, relax and concentrate on improving my game and so far this seems to be working out well for me.”

The young striker also believes that the guidance he has been receiving from a number of his team mates has helped him keep his mind focus on helping Chiefs win games.

“Tinashe Nengomasha and Thomas Sweswe are always there when ever I need to talk so is the captain and having this support structure of all of my teammates and the coach and back room staff is making my life at Chiefs very comfortable.”

Although he has been scoring goals of late Musona does not want to set a target or put a figure on the number of goals he would like to score this season.

“I do not want to set a target because it will limit me. I do not like to make promises I cannot fulfil instead I would prefer to say that I would like to score as many goals as possible.”

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