Fong Kong Chiefs merchandise uncovered
Fong Kong Chiefs merchandise uncovered

Posted in News on Sep 06, 2007.

Various divisions of the South African Police Services conducted a raid on a factory in Durban where they uncovered a host of unlicensed Kaizer Chiefs Merchandise, made up mainly of headwear.

The goods which were manufactured illegally and without the permission of the club, were destined to be sold throughout the country. Thanks to the various law enforcement agencies, the companies plan to distribute the goods were halted.

Acting on tip offs sent by various Chiefs fans to the clubs SMS Counterfeit line assisted the police in being able to gather enough information to launch a raid on the warehouse where the goods were being stored.

The most recent haul of Kaizer Chiefs counterfeit product has been described as a further step in the fight against the illegal manufacture and production of Amakhosi gear.

Carroll pleased

Chiefs brand manager Dara Carroll told on Thursday afternoon that the club and its official licensees would not be able to win the war on counterfeit merchandise without the assistance of the club's fans.

As Carroll added “since we established the counterfeit line just over a year ago we have received many tip offs from fans informing us as to where Kaizer Chiefs counterfeit goods were being either manufactured or sold. This information has been passed on by us to the police and it has made their work much easier in tracking down and stopping the perpetrators”.

SMS Counterfeit line

Carroll has continued urging fans who notice any Chiefs counterfeit products being manufactured, sold or distributed any where around South Africa to send the details of where the goods are being sold via SMS to 34134. “Thus far we have relied to a large extent on fans in assisting us with information relating to where our goods are being counterfeited, we would like to ask the supporters to continue assisting us in our quest to rid the streets of fake merchandise. Fans must realize that what ever tip offs come to us from them are highly confidential and anonymous we do not in any way try to contact fans who have provided us with information or make it public in any way”.

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