Executive Chairman during Golf Day 2010
Executive Chairman during Golf Day 2010

Posted in News on Jun 01, 2010.

GOLF DAY 03 MAY 2010

Programme Director,

Members of the BOD and the Management of Kaizer Chiefs,

Our Friends and Partners,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is has been a great pleasure to share the Kaizer Chiefs Golf Day of 2010 with all of you.

It is also befitting to acknowledge your overwhelming support to the purpose and nature of this event to enjoy a day of business and pleasure.

This day essentially invites your generosity and your power of obligation to the less fortunate by giving and sharing our love and God-given blessings. In truth we swung, birdied and eagled some putts to give charitably to noble courses that are pursued by Kaizer Chiefs.

Since inception, we have enjoyed this event as a catalyst for enhancing the Kaizer Chiefs family’s Social Responsibility Programme in our efforts to make a difference. We have stretched ourselves beyond the comfort of our corporate offices to add value to the peaceful and loving character of the Amakhosi brand; something that I truly embrace.

This particular one in 2010 is significant in that it gives birth to the establishment of the Kaizer Chiefs Foundation, an institution that will coordinate, and manage all resources that enhance our CSI.

The fact that this happens during our team’s Fortieth Year Anniversary crowns a moment of glory in our history when everything seems to fall in sync as our company expands its sphere of influence.

With your help we have reached out to the Carroll Shaw Memorial, an organization that works with young people that are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, Drugs, Alcohol Abuse and Domestic Violence.

This year we hope to continue with that relationship to support its extended agricultural programme that teaches youth about food production and farm management for self sustainability.

I must mention that our offices are constantly inundated with letters of requests for sponsorship and donations. As a responsible brand, it becomes emotionally taxing when we cannot meet some of those requests not because of our liking, but simply because we are often overwhelmed within a short space of time to respond positively with our meagre resources.

It is therefore such spirited gestures of your participation in the Kaizer Chiefs Golf Day that we value so that the extent of our impact is felt beyond the realms of a soccer match.

Our reward would be to see those vulnerable young men and women return into society with a sense of responsibility to help others as well. In addition, we hope to provide comfort and love to the immobile and physically challenged from the care centre.

Let me therefore thank you for your generous hearts and minds that genuinely define you as our friends, partners and supporters. I would also thank our sponsors for the manner in which they have stretched themselves to enhance this course.

Our wish is to witness a rise in the popularity of this Kaizer Chiefs Golf Day, so that it expands to highlight an important milestone in every season.

Let me congratulate all the winners and all those that may probably invite the coaching expertise of Tiger Woods, Ernie Els and Gary Player to sharpen their skills for future Kaizer Chiefs Golf Days.

Your victory may not be judged by the less number of strokes you scored, but by your commitment to endorse our course of making a difference!

As we receive our tokens of appreciation, we are mindful of your generosity and love and pray that the Lord increases the blessings of your hearts so that we collectively remain available and visible to offer a helping hand where it is needed.

May I therefore thank all the sponsors and friends that took time off to identify with our Golf Day.

May I also thank J.A.K.E. Productions and friends that organised this event and ensured its success.

May I thank the Management of the Bryanston Country Golf Club for allowing our skewed, long, and off par and over-par strokes to grace and disturb the tranquil nature of your course.

Ours is a friendship of understanding and humility; something that we dearly cherish at Kaizer Chiefs.

May I also thank GOD the Almighty for stretching our thoughts into answering albeit in a small way, the plight of those in distresses and in need.

I hope to see you in the forthcoming season perhaps with a much-improved stroke, or scorecard when GOD returns His favour by blessing you for your spirit of giving.

I Thank You

Kaizer Motaung (Mr)

Chairman/Managing Director

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