Amakhosi to share Love & Peace on Valentines Day
Amakhosi to share Love & Peace on Valentines Day

Posted in News on Feb 12, 2007.

The Amakhosi will be spending their Valentines Day on Wednesday around the city of Johannesburg extending a hand to those who have been marginalized from mainstream life due to social and other circumstances.

On a day when people around the world demonstrate their love for each other in various ways, February 14th might not be an important day in the lives of those who do not have a loved one to share it with on this international day of love.

In their small way The Amakhosi will be out on Valentines day to spread the love - so to speak - and will visit a number of institutions in and around Johannesburg in order to lend a helping hand to those in need of some care and comfort on this special day.

First up a group of players from the club will visit a shelter for Abused woman in the Johannesburg CBD, while another group of players will pay a visit to two schools in the Soweto area and a creche for disabled children in Meadowlands.

Chiefs defender Patrick Mayo who is scheduled to visit the shelters for Abused woman in the Johannesburg CBD on Wednesday, is more than willing to pay a visit to the shelters and hear the tales of the women living in the shelters who are mostly victims of domestic violence.

Mayo said “As professional sports people, we tend to think that we are the only ones who have pressure and problems - the truth is that there are many other people who have things pretty bad in their life. I am looking forward towards visiting the centre - and perhaps once we have visited the women living in these places, we will be in a position to talk more to our fans about this scourge in our country whereby South Africans freely abuse their wives and girlfriends.”

Amongst the highlights of Valentines day will be the fact that the entire Chiefs team and their Valentines will be at the Wanderers Cricket Stadium for the 5th one day international cricket match between South Africa and Pakistan.

Amakhosi midfielder Scara Ngobese known to have dazzled a number of opponents in his lifetime is looking forward to being captivated by the skills of the likes of South African fast bowler and well-known Amakhosi fan Makhaya Ntini.

“I must admit that I am not much of a cricket buff, I think it will be a wonderful outing for the entire team at the Wanderers on Wednesday evening. Most importantly though we will be amongst the crowd to cheer the Proteas on to victory, and also give them a winning send-off to the ICC Cricket World Cup”.

Chiefs coach Ernst Middendorp believes the Cricket experience will further induct him into South African life. “Since I have been in South Africa I have really learnt a lot from the diverse culture of the people living here. I have most importantly learnt about the football culture in the country; now perhaps I will get the opportunity to learn about another of South Africa’s favourite past times”. The Amakhosi top man believes that an outing for the team together with their families is a most welcome move.

“The team has been through a lot lately and it is important for the guys to be able to spend some leisure time together, as we are one big family. It is important for the players to bring their families along. We do not often get the chance to thank the players' wives and other family members, as they are just as important to the team as the players themselves. This will be a way of us showing our appreciation of their love and support that they give to the players, not just one day of the year but every single day” explained Ernst Middendorp.

To all Chiefs fans attending the game at the Wanderers on Wednesday, a group of players will meet with the two teams prior to the start of the game, which has been scheduled for 14h30 on Wednesday. The entire Chiefs team including members of the technical staff will attend the match.

The meeting between players from Chiefs and the South African and Pakistani teams is scheduled to happen at 12h30 on Wednesday.

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