Usual Suspect’s 4 team Tournament
Usual Suspect’s 4 team Tournament

Posted in News on Jan 26, 2004.

What a soccer-filled day on Saturday at Norwood Grounds. The 4-Team Tournament courtesy of Usual Suspect took place on Saturday 24 January 2004; the venue was Norwood Sports Field in Norwood next to Orange Grove. The 4 teams that took part were Acer Cyber Team, 37 Degrees FC, Mighty Green FC and HP Invent Soccer Team.

The games were due to kick-start at 10h00 but I was disappointed by the late arrival of 2 of the teams and the rest of the Cyber Team. By 11h30 all of the teams were present and ready to rumble.

The first semi-final saw 37 Degrees FC taking on HP Invent, the game started at 12h00 and it was due to take 60 minutes long with 30 minutes each half. This was a very interesting encounter since both teams were closed books to each other but 37 Degrees were the hot favorites. 37 degrees opened the scoring hence unsettling HP, while HP was still trying to recover; 37 Degrees increased their tally to 2. The game was becoming a one way traffic with 37 degrees dominating the proceedings, it came as no surprise when they scored their 3rd goal to make the score 3 nil. HP had to drastically pull up their socks to come back in the game. A defensive error by 37 Degrees led to HP reducing the score by scoring 1 goal. HP was awarded a free kick about 40 meter goalwards. A beauty of a goal was scored from that free kick by Sylvester from HP.

The half time score was 3-2 to 37 Degrees FC. In the second half 37 were more purposeful and showed intentions to finish off their opponents. Kabelo (Channel O) was introduced in the second half where 3 more goals were scored by 37 Degrees to bring the score to 6-2. One-way traffic as it was, HP was not about to give up as they fought back but were unlucky not to score. 37 were shining all the way and the final whistle came to HP’s rescue, 37 Degrees won the game by 6-2.

The second semi saw Acer Cyber Team taking on Mighty Green FC, Samora’s team we once beat 16-1, but this was a complete new team. Mighty Green was adamant to reverse the score. The first 5 minutes of the game, it was an end to end situation with both teams at each other’s goal posts. Cyber Team opened the scoring through Neville who was played as a striker. Prince who was assigned to control the midfield was doing a good job as he combined well with Nhlebs and wingers Usual and Nkulu. Nhlebs was brought down in the box on his way to scoring. A penalty was awarded and Neville ballooned the ball over the bar.

Nkulu was unlucky to score when his interchange passes with Koloba and Neville saw his powerful shot being parried away for a corner by Mighty Green’s keeper. Neville who was always on an off side position managed to sneak through the defense to score his 2nd. Tshepo and KKK were marshaling the defense very tight at the back. Willy made a magnificent run goalwards and managed to blast the ball past Mighty Green’s defense and the keeper to score Cyber’s 3rd goal. Half time score was 3 nil to Acer Cyber team.

Second saw the introduction of McCarthy and Mabures for Usual and Nkulu. Mighty Green were awarded a penalty after Cyber’s keeper fouled Zalo. Mighty Green converted the spot kick to pull one back. Neville continued with his runs goalwards and it came as no surprise when he netted his 3rd goal of the game bringing the score to 4-1 to Acer Cyber. McCarthy was not to be left wanting as he also registered his name on the scoring sheet by scoring Cyber’s 5th goal. The final score was 5-1 to Acer Cyber Team.

The 3rd and 4th place play-offs were to take place before the final. Mighty Green took on HP Invent in the loser’s final. Mighty Green were again humiliated by HP who managed to beat them 2 nil to claim the 3rd spot.

Then came the moment everyone was waiting for. The final for the Usual Suspect 4 team Tournament……Acer Cyber Team versus 37 Degrees. Acer Cyber Team had a score to settle with 37 Degrees and in turn 37 wanted to prove a point to Cyber Team. Nkulu missed this one for the Cybers while Gordon also missed this one for 37, they both had other commitments. Dollar who missed the semi-final came in time for the final.

37 Degrees showed their intentions from the first minute of the game, taking the game to the Cybers. Again Neville was positioned as a striker, a position that doesn’t suit him very well. 37 noticed his style of play hence constantly leaving him on an offside position. 37 Degrees opened the scoring a few minutes into the game. The Cyber Team was now unsettled hence making too much careless mistakes. Kabelo who was playing as a striker, collected a lose ball and out paced our defence and calmly scored 37’s second goal. Pressure was now mounting on Cyber’s side as they tried to get one goal before half time. Cyber’s Tshepo unintentionally handle the ball in the 18-yard area and the referee pointed to the spot. The keeper saved the penalty. Just before half time, Mabures sacrificed Lesibana and McCarthy for himself and Usual One. Half time score was 2 nil to 37 Degrees.

Second half, everything was still the same with Cyber Team searching for the ball most of the time. The scoring opportunity came when Usual played one two with Neville, with the latter laying a free ball to Nhlebs to pick a spot an shoot but Nhlebs took his eyes off the ball hence he was intercepted by 37 defence. 37 had another scoring opportunity and they never hesitated scoring the 3rd goal. The spirit was already down in the Cyber Team. They tried every trick they could have thought of but 37 was just tight at the back holding on until the final whistle was blown. The final score was 3 nil to 37 Degrees and we say congratulations to them for winning the Tournament, they deserved to win on the day.

Acer Cyber Team’s downfall was due to some of the following reason: (Usual Suspect’s point of view)

  • Neville was played in a wrong position hence he was more predictable and always on an offside position.

  • Koloba was not effective used as a midfielder.

  • Usual is not a left-footed player so why play him as a left winger?

  • Dollar is still match unfit so he could have been moved forward and not at the back.

  • We don’t have natural strikers

  • Mabures untimely on substitutions and too quick on making them.

    Thanks very much to everyone who attended the games. I think we have to be precisely on time in due cause, we seem to have a problem of adhering to time. I was not impressed by Cyber’s attendance at all.

    Yours in Cyber Sports

    Usual Suspect

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