Speech by the KC MD at Manyathela memorial
Speech by the KC MD at Manyathela memorial

Posted in News on Aug 13, 2003.

Address by the Chairman of Kaizer Chiefs, Kaizer Motaung at the memorial service of the late Lesley Manyathela, Standard Bank Arena, Johannesburg, 14 August 2003.

Program Director, Mr. and Mrs. Manyathela and family, Chairman of Orlando Pirates, Mr. Irvin Khoza and all protocols observed; I stand here before you with disbelief. Disbelief, that, we are here today because our promising son and shining star Lesley Manyathela is no more.

Disbelief, that, within 3 years of his contribution in top-flight professional football, Lesley Manyathela is the subject of such national anguish.

Disbelief, that, in all evil things that continuously grip our country; criminal violence evidenced by senseless killings, rape and murder of such victims, armed robberies and gangsterism; Lesley Manyathela’s exemplary life ends in such a horrific way.

Disbelief, that, with such economic and social problems that irk our beautiful country and mother Africa; Lesley Manyathela, who brought hope to his little community in Mussina and the entire country and was a channel of a better life for his siblings, a role model for his peers, is no more.

I cannot believe how cruel death can be. I am still trying to come to terms with his untimely death. A great young talent is lost to South Africa. But we are encouraged by the words that say, “Oh death, where is thy sting, Oh! Grave where is thy victory?” This means one day death will surely die.

We are very shaken. We are devastated. As a country we have lost. As a nation we are hurting! Our friends at Orlando Pirates are mystified. Bafana Bafana is perplexed.

This loss comes at a time when we are beginning to discover answers to some of the problems the country has about natural goal hunters. Lesley Manyathela was one such answer in today’s football. He epitomized a rare possession of total commitment to his club and his country, serving both with excellence and distinction. We are here today mourning the loss of a fine young man, who would have championed the spear of the nation for at least two to three more World Cups to come.

All attributes said about Lesley, commitment, passion, discipline, love, peacefulness, humility, diligence, loyalty, brilliance and many more, stand to be a serious challenge to all of us remaining behind. If we want to shout loud praises about the life of this fallen hero, we better embrace all that he lived and died for. The Almighty afforded us a pleasure to know Lesley for a few years, so we may learn from him.

Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr. and Mrs. Manyathela for having allowed Lesley to join the soccer fraternity and thus enabling him to share his life with us, for through his immense contribution in soccer will benefit those who come after him.

When a child is born there are changes at home and there is beauty all around, and by the same token when a person dies there will be strange changes at home and cries everywhere. Such is Life. There is a season for everything in life.

A season to sow, and a season to reap;

A season to come, and a season to go;

A season to joy, and a season for sorrow;

A season to live, and a season to die.

So there is really a time for everything in God’s nature. It could have been that season for him too. Let us thank the Lord Almighty for his life, which was lived to the fullest. A life, that has left legacy within a short space of time. That legacy must be identified, nourished and celebrated in all possible ways.

There was something soft and modest about Lesley. It is part of that legacy that we should nourish and grow for the sake of all youngsters in the game today.

On behalf of all at Kaizer Chiefs, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family of Phuthi Manyathela, his family at Orlando Pirates and all fellow South Africans.

May his departed soul rest in peace!

I thank you!

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