Response to Sowetan article
Response to Sowetan article

Posted in News on Jul 27, 2003.

With reference to Sello Rabothatas article of 28th July 2003 on the front page article in the Sowetan.

The following points should be noted in order to set the record straight:

* Emy Casaletti-Page has not worked for Kaizer Chiefs for almost 3

months and therefore is no longer Kaizer Chiefs Brand Manager.

* The only 2 people Emy Casaletti-Page knows at the bid Company are Mr

Danny Jordaan and Mr Irvin Khoza and it is at this level that communications

are conducted.

* The tone of the article smacks of rumour mongering and blatant

wasting of time, neither of these qualities are ones that Emy is associated


* Research and knowledge of the industry would inform the reporter

that R5 million is not a market-related appearance fee, and that Manchester

United would cost less than this.

* This article shows both clubs up as being greedy and unreasonable,

which in fact brings both brands into disrepute

* It was unfortunate that this article was totally unresearched and

unqualified. Articles such as these should at least be bounced off relevant

people for confirmation.

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