Official SoccerCity Hand-over and IBC Opening by Sepp Blatter
Official SoccerCity Hand-over and IBC Opening by Sepp Blatter

Posted in News on Jun 02, 2010.

With eight days to the kick-off of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Soccer City Stadium, the venue for the opening match on 11 June, was officially handed-over to FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter and Organising Committee Chairman Irvin Khoza by Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane and Executive Mayor of Johannesburg Councillor Amos Masondo.

To recognise the contributions made by the city of Johannesburg as one of the Host Cities for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, a commemorative plaque was unveiled in attendance of the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Reverend Makhenkesi Stofile.

The delegation went on to visit the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) for the official opening ceremony. Located just a stone’s throw away from Soccer City and spread over 30,000 square metres, the IBC will be the heart of broadcast operations during the FIFA World Cup . It houses key technical facilities such as the Master Control Room and the Commentary Switching Centre.

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