Cyber Branch Update
Cyber Branch Update

Posted in News on Dec 11, 2003.

Guys here is the latest regarding this coming weekend's activities

We are all aware that the Swaziland based Cyber Branch members will be hitting our shores this coming weekend. The guys will be arriving on Saturday before the derby and we will all gather and altogether converge to FNB for the game.

The Cyber Branch will meet at Southgate Shell Garage at 12h00 and leave for FNB at 13h00. After the game we will all converge back to Southgate Shell Garage and that's where we will be ready to go to an exclusive venue where we will have a braai and boogy the whole night.

Drinks will unfortunately be sold at this said venue, so be prepared to open your wallets to buy drinks. We are also expected to contribute some cash towards buying meat for braai and other things that come with the braaing. We will be entertaining the Swaziland based Acer Cyber Branch, bear that in mind.

On Sunday, we will be expected to all meet at Esselen Park in Kempton Park. The Chairman of the Cyber Branch will be expected to have a briefing to all the Cyber Branch members. The meeting will take place at 10h00 until 11h00.

Thereafter there are games lined up, Acer Cyber Team A will play against Swaziland Cyber Team and another game Acer Cyber Team B will play against Esselen Park Wanderers. The winners from each games will play in the final. After the games, we will have another braai and at the same time saying farewell to the Swaziland crew who will have to leave later on.

One requested we want to send out to you Cybers, if there is anyone who has a smaller-nyana sound system, please let us know and bring it with on Sunday for Esselen Park activities. It is important that we find someone who can provide sound system and those who have lekker CD's must bring them along.

I'm sure everybody heard about the failure of the planned Car Wash do that was suppose to take place on 16 December 2003. It was reasons beyond our control, Joburg City Park are the ones to blame in this regard. They failed us big time. Anyway, we are busy arranging something for that particular day, brace yourself for mingling with the rest of the Cybernatics on 16 December 2003.

Our condolences to David Mathibela aka Dollar's family after the passing away of his mother this week. The funeral will be held on Monday 15 December 2003 in Thembisa.

All the Cyber Branch members are requested to donate R10-00 each towards the donation to give to Mathibela family, the contribution is expected to be finalized by tomorrow 12 December 2003. The address is House Number 420 Samora Street, Tembisa Hospitalview.

Yours in Cyber Issues

Usual Suspecto

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