Counting down to the Final with Ditheko Mototo
Counting down to the Final with Ditheko Mototo

Posted in News on May 19, 2006.

Hi to one and all I am Ditheko Mototo Kaizer Chiefs defender, well if you had to tell me that a year ago I would have probably though that your headed needed examining, because a year ago I was still playing for a first division team. It has been a year where my dreams have come true and on Saturday I have the opportunity should I play to compete in my first major cup final, and correctly so it is called the cup of dreams.

As I am experiencing the jitters, the nerves and excitement of my first cup final I felt that I should share all the emotions I am undergoing with the Kaizer Chiefs supporters. As we go into the final I over the next two days give you all a summary of what my days has been like.


07h00 – 08h00 I woke up at about 06h30 this morning and watched the sun come up over the ocean and just enjoyed the sun rise which was really calming and set me up for a good day ahead. I share a room with David Radebe he slept a little bit longer so I decided to start of proceedings and went for a shower first, when I got out I went down stairs and met the coaches who were already in the dining room. It must be said that our coach Ernst usually wakes up very early and goes for a jog and a swim and it looks as though this morning he has stuck to that routine.

08h00- 09h00 The rest of the team begin to slowly filter into the dining room for breakfast and as has been the case over the past couple of days the guys have been in really good spirits. At the moment the team is an unbelievable unit of solidarity, there no groups and clicks all the guys hang out together and we are all confident that we can win on Saturday.

Breakfast is once again a healthy and scrumptious one just what the Doctor really because team Doctor Philemon Maepa sits with the hotel chefs ever day and they are told by him what to prepare for us.

09h00 – 12h00 After breakfast we head off back to our rooms to collect our training gear and head off for the varsity college in River side for our final training session ahead of the Cup Final. Where as yesterdays session at The ABSA Stadium was more rigorous this morning’s session is very much lighter and more tactical in nature than Thursday’s energy draining session.

We work on various kinds of play and roles of the different guys it is and interesting session as we are now putting the finishing touches on the last couple of weeks of work. After training which was watched by the students of the varsity College we head back to the hotel for the rest of the afternoon. At the end of the training the coach calls me aside and he asks me a couple of questions and generally helps me to stay calm going into the game. I am hoping and praying that I get the opportunity to start on Saturday.

12h00- 13h00 Upon arrival we are given time off to get our various tasks done and I begin jotting down key moments from the morning and hand them to the web master who is delighted to have gotten my thoughts so efficiently as he can begin his work. I work about through the corridor spending time in Captain Cyril Nzama’s room as I chat to him and Tinashe Nengomasha about all things but tomorrows game.

I than take a walk into David Obua and Louis Agyemang’s room two other players who will be in their first major final for Chiefs on Saturday. David Obua is watching television and coincidentally Ernst Middendorp is on the box after watching for a while, we dig in to Louis and have a couple of laughs before we all head for lunch.

13h00-15h00 After lunch is over we are kept back by the coach who talks to us on a whole range of things and we have our first real team discussion, after a very positive meeting every one emerges happy and again confidence is high. We are given off the afternoon some of the guy’s sleep others go to the beach and David Mathebula heads off to continue with the European Champions League Final. No he is not watching a replay of Wednesday’s game between Arsenal and Barcelona he has to finish the game himself on play station.

The plan for the rest of Friday is simple we will have supper at around 19h00 which should not last longer than about an hour, we could possibly have another team meeting and than head off to bed early. I should be lights out by around about 21h00 and will need all the rest if I can fall asleep before tomorrow’s game.

My diary will continue with you after the game tomorrow going into more detail about the pre-match hours and hopefully the celebrations there after. Till later keep on checking out the website for all the latest news on the ABSA Cup Final.

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