Chiefs response to Sundowns claims
Chiefs response to Sundowns claims

Posted in News on Sep 11, 2003.

Kaizer Chiefs issued a statement after allegations and accusations from fellow Premiership club Sundowns that Amakhosi coach Ted Dumitru was 'poaching' one of their players.

In a statement released on Friday Amakhosi said the accusations are baseless and therefore therefore does not warrant an in-depth response.

Official KC Statement

The professionalism and reputation of Kaizer Chiefs coach Ted Dumitru precedes him therefore we see no need to comment or to entertain such accusation made from the Sundowns management, moreover knowing that Ted Dumitru does not get involved and is not hands-on players recruitment.

Kaizer Chiefs is surprised that Sundowns would take this approach given the fact that they are well aware of the proper channels to be taken should they have any evidence to support their accusations.

Moreover, it is surprising that they should come up with such feeble excuse after the transfer deadline has passed.

This is clearly a cheap way of creating news for their website and to reassure their supporters by shifting their attention away from their poor on-field performance and results.

We view these accusations by Sundowns as further harassment to our coach because ever since he joined us they have always had negative things to say about him like "he is will not last and that he will run away".

Kaizer Chiefs will not lower itself to Sundowns' level in entertaining such feeble accusations.

Regarding Zwane and Pule, Kaizer Chiefs takes strong exception to Sundowns' comments as it represents a clear attempt aimed at destabilising the focus of the two players.

As far as Kaizer Chiefs is concerned we would like to assure our supporters that Arthur Zwane and Jabu Pule will be staying at Kaizer Chiefs.

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