Chairman welcomes the State of the Nation Address
Chairman welcomes the State of the Nation Address

Posted in News on Jun 03, 2009.

Kaizer Chiefs Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Kaizer Motaung received with great applause the State of the Nation Address that was delivered by the recently inaugurated and South Africa’s 4th democratic President Mr. Jacob Zuma in Parliament this morning.

“We welcome and support the President’s State of the Nation Address, particularly his recommitment and support to ensuring a resounding success of both the Confederations Cup and the 2010 FIFA World Cup” said an obviously pleased Motaung

The Chairman picked up on the President’s address in which government reaffirmed its position in ensuring that South Africa stages “the best World Cup ever”.

“One of the biggest infrastructure investment projects is in the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. We have, as government and the nation at large, pledged that the World Cup will leave a proud legacy from which our children and our communities will benefit for many years to come.

We are on track to meet all our obligations and are determined to give the world the best World Cup ever. We are putting all systems in place to make the Confederations Cup, which kicks off on the 14th of June, a huge success” assured the Honourable President Jacob Zuma in his State of the Nation Address.

Kaizer Chiefs Marketing Director, Patron and Spokesperson of Anti-Human Trafficking campaign, Jessica Motaung was also quick to point out that, “The President was spot on in his address by among other things recognizing the Child Protection week, where he calls for a decisive action against teachers who are reportedly abusing vulnerable learners at schools sexually and otherwise. Like the president said, it is everyone’s responsibility to combat organised crime, in particular all forms of abuse of vulnerable children and human trafficking” she said.

“....we are very concerned about reports of teachers who sexually harass and abuse children, particularly girls. We will ensure that the Guidelines on Sexual Harassment and Violence in Public Schools are widely disseminated and that learners and teachers are familiar with and observe them.

We will take very serious, and very decisive, action against any teachers who abuse their authority and power by entering into sexual relationships with children....” said ‘Msholozi’ as the President is affectionally known in the political circles.

Club’s Chairman and MD further pledged support to the President’s decision to endorse a campaign of the annual celebration of the Mandela Day on 18 July of each year. “I am already thinking about what Kaizer Chiefs will be doing during the 67 minutes set aside for the next July 18, to honour this unprecedented World’s Icon” said Kaizer Motaung.

The President announced today that government endorsed the celebration of July 18 each year as the MANDELA DAY.

“...... an international campaign has been initiated by the Nelson Mandela Foundation and related organisations, called Mandela Day, which sums up what Tata stands for.

Mandela Day will be celebrated on the 18th of July each year. It will give people in South Africa and all over the world the opportunity to do something good to help others.

Madiba was politically active for 67 years, and on Mandela Day people all over the world, in the workplace, at home and in schools, will be called upon to spend at least 67 minutes of their time doing something useful within their communities, especially among the less fortunate.

Let us wholeheartedly support Mandela Day and encourage the world to join us in this wonderful campaign” he said.

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